Business Support
Cyber Security

The Scottish Government Parental Audience team have launched a national campaign regarding Child Online Safety.
The campaign aims to increase awareness of the importance of online safety to parents and carers of children aged 8-11 year olds, and reassure and inform them that the skills they apply offline to help keep their children safe can be used to help protect them online too. The campaign provides advice on how to check and monitor their child's online activity by speaking to their child about online safety and taking an interest in what they do online, discussing and agreeing boundaries, setting up safety measures and providing clear signposting for parents and children who require additional support.
The campaign includes Digital TV and radio coverage, social media activity, website advertising, and press coverage.
A supporting hub at parentclub.scot/online-safety is packed with practical ideas and advice for parents to feel more confident and informed on the steps they can take to help keep their children safer online.

CyberScotland Bulletins
Keep up to date with the latest CyberScotland information
Some top tips from the SSA Cyber Resilience Focus Group
Consider what your key assets are (e.g. finances, personal data, performance data) and start with how you protect them.
Appoint a champion to lead on cyber resilience in the organisation.
Join the new SSA Digital Champions Slack channel to ask questions or share best practice.
Foster a culture of sharing best practice and learning from mistakes.
Use guidance to start conversations – perhaps make cyber resilience a regular part of team meetings or internal training.
Be proportionate – the most common cyber-attacks can be deflected by a combination of good practice and simple training that is available for free or at a low cost.
Cyber resilience resource materials
Scottish Government Cyber Resilience - general guidance.
These guides will be updated by Scottish Government Cyber Resilience at scheduled dates.

Communications toolkit
This toolkit provides communications teams and other parties with the tools and resources to deliver impactful and consistent communications on cyber resilience.

Resource toolkit
This guide provides a range of information which can support individuals within the public, private and third sector address and improve organisational cyber resilience.

Staff training guide
This guide is aimed at organisation training leads, and will help to teach non-technical staff about cyber fundamentals, providing access to practical exercises to support training.
NCSC Top tips for staff e-learning - Interactive training on common cyber issues, such as phishing emails, that is applicable for staff, volunteers and trustees.
Available here: http://bit.ly/TopTipsStaff
NCSC Small charity guide - Guidance on key considerations for small to medium sized organisations, including advice on passwords, phishing attacks, malware prevention and keeping smartphones safe.
Available here: http://bit.ly/SCharityGuide
NCSC Response and recovery guide - Guidance on how to deal with a cyber resilience issue, what first steps should be and how to get your organisation back on track.
Available here: http://bit.ly/NCSCResRec
NCSC Phishing attacks – How to protect your organisation
Dedicated guidance on preventing phishing attacks, including the importance of a multi-level defence.
Available here: http://bit.ly/NCSCPhishing

Cyber Essentials accreditation - Demonstrate your commitment to cyber resilience by achieving Cyber Essentials Accreditation.
More information here: http://bit.ly/NCSCCyberEssentials
There has been a significant amount of positive work conducted in partnership with Scottish Government across voluntary sector organisations through the Cyber Catalyst network. For more information on the network, please see the 2020 report here.We hope that this pack proves useful in your efforts to improve your cyber resilience and we welcome any feedback you may have.

National Cyber Security Centre links
The NCSC threat report to sports is here: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/files/Cyber-threat-to-sports-organisations.pdf
Home working during the pandemic:
Cyber Exercising: Free tool from the NCSC
Risk Management:
Email Security & Phishing
Passwords and MFA
Office 365 Secure Configuration Guidance
https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE2MHP5 (Step-by-step guidance)
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/overview (Conditional Access)
Reporting incidents to the NCSC
Cyber Training
Free NCSC training: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/blog-post/ncsc-cyber-security-training-for-staff-now-available
Malware and Ransomware Guidance: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/blog-post/rebooting-malware-and-ransomware-guidance
The Equestrian Employers Association is the complete online support toolkit for all equestrian businesses.
Member resources include access to the Contract Creator, the Staff Handbook Creator, Health and Safety Manual and Risk Assessment Creator, employment advice, FAQ’s, downloads and a legal advice line.
In addition members are supported through regular e-news and Employers Minds mental health and well-being . Membership also gives a preferential rate to a pension and payroll provider and discounted insurance.
Belonging to the Equestrian Employers Association costs just £42.50 per year.
The British Grooms Association offers business support to freelance grooms who are running their own business.
From help with accounts and advice on how to run and develop a business, to access to bespoke personal accident and liability insurance policies, the British Grooms Association offers friendly and understanding advice on all groom, career and freelance related matters.
Standard membership costs just £22.50 per year.
BHS Scotland Update:
Business Development Support Tools
The BHS has a Business Development team, who can offer advice to BHS Approved Centres. The Business Development Manager works closely with the BHS Approved Centres on a regular basis.
The BHS has held various coffee mornings/workshops for their coaches and centres and there was a Business Mentoring Day at BHS Approved Centre Aberdeen Riding Club.
All BHS Accredited Professional Coaches and BHS Approved Centres have access to the BHS cloud, providing a wide range of business development support tools. Information includes lesson plans, risk assessments, business rates, cyber security, understanding PAYE and pensions and workers’ rights etc.
BHS Accredited Professional Coaches: Approved and accredited by the BHS, Accredited Professional Coaches meet the highest professional standards within the industry. Our community of professional coaches connects people, ideas and resources to embed world-class standards, drive continual professional development and promote innovation in equestrian coaching.
BHS Accredited Professional Coaches have access to an online branded business toolkit and resources.
BHS Approved Centres receive a range of commercial support:
Commercial Guidance: you can pick up the phone to our team if you are looking for support with your business We have a range of legislative fact sheets and business templates that are available to you, and we regularly provide guidance to those seeking commercial advice on a range of topics from VAT to business rates. You will receive regular communications with relevant information and updates on legislative changes which may affect your business. Join us at one of our Proprietors’ Conferences to meet other owners and to learn about the latest industry trends and business advice.
National issues: If there are national issues that affect your business, we will do our best to support you. Recent examples include lobbying against increased business rates and encouraging drivers to slow down to protect your customers and horses when out on the roads.
Defra recently (2018/19) amended the Riding Establishments Act (REA) in England and Wales, changes to licensing in Scotland would be devolved to Scottish Parliament as secondary legislation under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) 2006 Act. Brexit and now corona have resulted in a modernisation of REA in Scotland being repeatedly delayed. The Scottish Government is therefore still contemplating options for registration and licensing of all boarding establishments. This could include livery yards, studs and dealers in due course. In 2018 Scottish Government carried out a consultation on dog, cat and rabbit (pet) breeding activities where they explained their modern approach to licensing as;
A threshold number of animals determining whether licensing is to be applied;
Licences should be flexible and may be awarded, on a risk-based assessment, for a period of up to three years;
An exemption from inspection requirements for businesses assured by a UKAS accredited body;
Licences to be issued at any point in the year for a fixed term but can be suspended or revoked at any time.
So we can reasonably expect the same approach to be given to equines.
Participation: the BHS works hard to encourage new customers into the industry to learn to ride and interact with horses. The team also re-engages with individuals who have left the industry to encourage them back.
The Changes Lives Through Horses campaign is a good example of participation. It aims to improve the lives of young people who, for various reasons, are disengaged and at risk of becoming excluded from education or are disadvantaged in some way.
Using horses as the inspiration for change, the programme provides an alternative learning environment to mainstream education. The skills developed through the programme meet the requirements of ongoing education and training, employers and participants.
Marketing Support: we work on a national and local level to promote the BHS name and our BHS Approved Centres. This helps us to continue to be at the forefront of customers’ minds when they are considering where to ride or where to keep their horse
Website: your organisation will feature on our website detailing the facilities you offer, the level of tuition and training. You can also post vacancies on our website to help you with recruitment.
BHS Education and Support: we continue to offer a wide range of qualifications which can enhance your team’s skills We provide qualifications and regional guidance on safeguarding and first aid. All BHS Approved Riding Schools must have a BHS qualified member of staff on-site which reassures your customers that they are learning in a professional and safe environment. We can offer financial aid via our BHS Development Scholarships.
The BHS Coronavirus hub at https://www.bhs.org.uk/advice-and-information/coronavirus-covid-19/business-support-resources provides information on business support resources during this difficult time.
During this time, the BHS has also set up a BHS Hardship Fund to help our BHS Approved Centres.
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